Beefkn Serious, Please.

In the latest move to deny protein to the millions who already can’t afford to go shopping or heat their homes, a new tech allowing you to design & 3d print your own rib eye steak is emerging.

Anyone for Cricket?

The ingredients are sketchy of course, but ya can guarantee that the chickpea and legume foundation of the fake 3d steak will soon be replaced with insects. And all in the name of cow farts, which seem to strike terror into billions of climate armchair warriors who prefer to lament preachings of planet poisoning billionaires, than to heed mother nature and unpaid (real) science.

Steak Bake

Uk based Greggs the Bakers have been successfully vending blended ears and eyelids in their famous steak bake for years, but at least that lends some ‘shaky’ form of honesty (and tastes bloomin’ great). These things will be about as close to real steak as I am to being Poet Laureate to the establishment.

We’re not having a go at vegans by the way, definitely not… Yep that’s for sure.

Check it out here:

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