Are the Globalist Elite in Retreat? They should be!
Everyone is waking up to the tyranny and you can smell the panic. Narcissists never break their covert agenda, but I think we can safely say that with UFO’s, Tranny Tyranny, attacks on the food chain, White Noise and Sam Smith’s trousers, it’s obvious they are in panic and trying anything.
HGH Gel:
The work you are doing is good but peoples attatchment to eating meat or any type of meat, fish and eggs will stunt their spiritual growth. If you are really into the truth check the origens of spiritual movements – all vegetarian until ilfultrated by the demonic. Some spiritual truths
If you go back to the origins of Christianity all were vegetarians, no John the Baptist did not eat locusts, but locust beans – Carob. The demonic changed the teachings to justify eating meat –
The reason God came as Buddha was for the athiests attatched to eating meat – to stop them going down to the lower species He gave them the process of ahimsa = do not do harm to any other living entity because every action has an equal and opposite reaction – every animal you eat, you will have to be born in the lower species and be killed and eaten in the same way. Everything you do to others will come back to you equally in a future life.
Love your natural interactions with each other and down to earth talk!! More and more are waking up and we Must Stay Together and Unite!!
Great show.